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Physiotherapy helps to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. It can also help to reduce your risk of injury or illness in the future. It takes a holistic approach that involves the patient directly in their own care.


Physiotherapy is generally described as a treatment method commonly used in preventing injury, promoting health, and maximising physical strength. However, when you take a closer look, you’ll notice that it’s actually a kind of umbrella term under which physical therapy practices and treatments fall. In this article, we explore the common types of physiotherapy and the conditions they treat.
What are 3 benefits of physiotherapy?
10 Things A Physio Can Do For You – Benefits of Physiotherapy
  • Manage your pain. Does Physiotherapy help with chronic pain? …
  • Prevent injuries. …
  • Manage sporting injuries. …
  • Manage work-related injuries. …
  • Assist with pre- and post-surgery rehabilitation. …
  • Help you to perform at your best. …
  • Be your go-to for Women’s Health.

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Different types of physiotherapy treatment

Physiotherapy is generally described as a treatment method commonly used in preventing injury, promoting health, and maximising physical strength. However, when you take a closer look, you’ll notice that it’s actually a kind of umbrella term under which physical therapy practices and treatments fall. In this article, we explore the common types of physiotherapy and the conditions they treat.

Techniques used in Physiotherapy

Physiotherapists mostly use massages, exercises, heat therapy, and electrotherapy to treat injuries and deformities. However, sometimes physiotherapists use taping, electromagnets, hydrotherapy, joint mobilisation, and hot and cold applications techniques to reduce pain, restore joint movement and improve overall strength.

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